When the Stomach Flu Hits

When the Stomach Flu Hits
As I'm writing this, I'm just coming out of a weekend of the stomach flu. When it hits, I’m pretty quick to get all the diffusers running with Thieves or Peppermint!

Plus, I make sure anyone who isn't yet sick is getting a double dose of NingXia Red and Vitamins C and D! (The sickies get these as soon as they can hold them down! NingXia is great to replenish electrolytes!)

I tend to let the kids choose their own oils and often they choose Tea Tree which is great because it’s not hot so I can put it straight on their backs along the spine. 

I also put Thieves on their feet multiple times per day.

We've found AromaEase to be handy to inhale at times too.

But most of all, it’s time to rest!

Let me know if you have any questions!
In the meantime, please have a look at this presentation on our Immune System to learn more effective ways to boost it!

Raindrop Roller Blend

Raindrop Roller Blend
The Raindrop Technique is an innovative massage method that concentrates on the spine, offering numerous benefits for the body by addressing the network of nerves that connect to the brain. Young Living provides a specialized Raindrop kit, which includes all the essential oils necessary to perform this technique. For convenience, some individuals create a raindrop roller blend for easy application on both children and adults, especially when feeling unwell.

To prepare a raindrop roller, it's crucial to follow a specific order of oils, starting with 20 drops each of Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, and AromaSiez, and finishing with 10 drops of Peppermint. When used on children, it's common to dilute the blend with V6 Carrier Oil by filling the rest of a 15ml bottle. This dilution ensures that the essential oils are safely applied, offering a soothing experience.

For those interested in learning more about the Raindrop Technique, additional resources and detailed guides are available online. Young Living offers comprehensive educational materials to guide individuals in mastering this beneficial technique. By exploring these resources, anyone can harness the full potential of the Raindrop Technique through the quality oils provided by Young Living.

Essential Oils are Safe for Pets

Essential Oils are Safe for Pets
If you have pets, you might be wondering if these oils can help them too! And good news, they can! 

It is always important to consider the weight of the animal and the dilution you choose because in the wild, animals would simply trust their instincts and get what they need. However in our homes, where our animals have limited exposure to nature and don't feed themselves from it, they trust us to care for them.

So short answer - YES oils are Safe for pets! 

And it's important to dilute appropriately and when diffusing, give your animal a choice to leave the room (or coop) if possible. 

A few tips:

Peace & Calming can be phenomenal for high strung dogs! 
And quite a few of my friends give their dogs Sulfurzyme for those arthritic bones!
RC is one we diffused in the chicken coop to help their respiratory systems
Lavender, we used on bumble foot when our ducks had it.

And cats choose their oils and will promptly leave the room if they don't enjoy a certain oil! 

For much more on this topic, check out my sway class on Oils and Pets!

My 3 Steps to Stop a Headache

My 3 Steps to Stop a Headache
I’ve gotten a few headaches in my day and now I use these simple steps to stop it in it’s tracks!

  1. Lavender all along my hair line (or any of the approved NHP products for headaches)
  2. Drink lots and lots of water with celtic salt
  3. Dim the lights and rest my eyes or go to bed!
Let me know if you’ve got questions, I’m happy to help! 

Be sure to sneak a peak at this cute site: 7 Ways to Love Your Brain

Check out the Natural Remedies Guide by scrolling down on my homepage! robynfarley.com

5 Things I do to Stay Healthy

5 Things I do to Stay Healthy
Here are my top 5 things to stay healthy.

  1. Remind myself and the kids to focus on our bodies being healthy! Then we tend to treat them better too!
  2. Wash hands more often with Thieves Foaming hand soap, especially after returning home.
  3. Spray surfaces, light switches and door handles with Thieves Household cleaner.
  4. Use Thieves Waterless hand sanitizer a little more frequently when out in public places.
  5. Spray shopping cart handles with Thieves Spray!
The nice thing about Thieves is that because it’s plant based, it only kills the bad bacteria while leaving what’s necessary! It doesn’t dry out my skin either!

Let me know if you have any questions and I’d be happy to help!

If you’d like to see what else I use Thieves on, check out this link for more learning!

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