If you have pets, you might be wondering if these oils can help them too! And good news, they can!
It is always important to consider the weight of the animal and the dilution you choose because in the wild, animals would simply trust their instincts and get what they need. However in our homes, where our animals have limited exposure to nature and don't feed themselves from it, they trust us to care for them.
So short answer - YES oils are Safe for pets!
And it's important to dilute appropriately and when diffusing, give your animal a choice to leave the room (or coop) if possible.
And it's important to dilute appropriately and when diffusing, give your animal a choice to leave the room (or coop) if possible.
A few tips:
Peace & Calming can be phenomenal for high strung dogs!
And quite a few of my friends give their dogs Sulfurzyme for those arthritic bones!
RC is one we diffused in the chicken coop to help their respiratory systems
Lavender, we used on bumble foot when our ducks had it.
And cats choose their oils and will promptly leave the room if they don't enjoy a certain oil!
For much more on this topic, check out my sway class on Oils and Pets!