This one is ultimately going to help you get sleep too!
And just like with adults, timing makes a big difference here as well as no screens just before bed!
Babies & Toddlers? - I almost always pull out Dreamease (aka Sleepyize in USA) and roll on the back of neck and the neck of the big toes.
Extra help? - We use Tranquil and RutaVala as back ups if Dreamease doesn’t do it! Again, rolling on same places.
Diffuser routine - The most common combo in the kids’ diffusers is Cedarwood and Lavender which tends to do the trick most of the time!
Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to check out this Kidscents Sway presentation to learn more!

I’ve gotten a few headaches in my day and now I use these simple steps to stop it in it’s tracks!
- Lavender all along my hair line (or any of the approved NHP products for headaches)
- Drink lots and lots of water with celtic salt
- Dim the lights and rest my eyes or go to bed!
Let me know if you’ve got questions, I’m happy to help!
Be sure to sneak a peak at this cute site: 7 Ways to Love Your Brain
Check out the Natural Remedies Guide by scrolling down on my homepage! robynfarley.com