I was recently asked what my top 5 oils are overall.
Tough question for sure!
But if I had to narrow it down, here they are!
- Digize - because start healing the gut and it helps everything else heal too!
- Dorado Azul - because coughs are a thing of our past and cause so much less issues for us thanks to this.
- Purification - because it cleans up odd smells, helps in laundry, so versatile.
- Kidscents Owie (Kidcare in Canada) - for all their owies!
- Valor - for courage of course!
Oh gosh that was difficult! I’d happily add 15 more to my top oils list!!
Let me know if you have any questions at all!

I used to struggle getting to sleep at night. Then I discovered a few key things.
A. Our bodies create cortisol to keep us alert and it begins at 10pm and goes up from there until it drops off again at 2am. So going to bed before or close to 10pm does wonders!
B. When getting to bed later and still wanting to sleep, Frankincense Vitality and Grand Fir are both oils that help lower the cortisol levels. I would take a capsule of one or the other before bed.
C. Lately I began adding a few drops of Frankincense Vitality to the Thieves Mouthwash because it’s so good for my teeth, however I noticed an added bonus in that I fall asleep almost immediately after my head hits the pillow!
So to summarize:
I get to bed early
I get to bed early
I use Frankincense or Grand Fir in a capsule
And I add Frankincense to Mouth wash!

Here are the best oils for dry skin - so if you have any of these on your shelf, start there!
And remember it takes about 4 weeks to adjust to a new skin care routine so give yourself time, but discontinue if irritation or redness occurs.
Pro-tip: Routine usage of oils for the skin should be quite diluted to prevent adverse reactions and sensitivity.
Roman Chamomile
Clary Sage
Remember as well that not all oils are created equal. Synthetic fragrances labeled as “essential oils’ may result in skin irritation, reactions or sensitivity.
Let me know if you have any questions and in the meantime, check out this cute Sway link for more info about good clean products for your skin type!

So as you may already know, I dove into a long Gut health journey shortly after I began using essential oils and so today I’m going to share with you my top 4 products to target gut health!
- Digize
- Enzymes (I chose Detoxzyme, but Essentialzyme-4 is fantastic too)
- Life 9 Probiotics
- NingXia Red
Let me know if you’d like to hear my whole story on how I went from having IBS for 17 years to now being able to freely eat the foods that used to trigger it!
Plus, here’s a sweet little presentation on Digestion that will certainly help!

Now we’ll talk best oils for oily skin - so again start with what you have on your shelf!
And remember it takes about 4 weeks to adjust to a new skin care routine so give yourself time, but discontinue if irritation or redness occurs.
Pro-tip: Routine usage of oils for the skin should be quite diluted to prevent adverse reactions and sensitivity.
Ylang Ylang
Tea Tree
Remember as well that not all oils are created equal. Synthetic fragrances labeled as “essential oils’ may result in skin irritation, reactions or sensitivity.
Let me know if you have any questions and in the meantime, check out this cute Sway link for more info about good clean products for your skin type!