Hi friend, it's great to meet you!
My name is Robyn, my husband is Matthew and together we have 4 beautiful young children - 3 boys and 1 girl. I am passionate about scrapbooking, gardening, landscaping, raising children who love the Lord, home decor, homeschooling and homesteading - though I'm a total newbie there!
Before I was introduced to Young Living, I was a young mom, 2 kids ages 2.5 and 6 months old and just becoming aware of toxins in our environment. My rockstar sleepers were struggling because of the remedies I was told to use for teething and I was crying out for a solution.
Thankfully my friend Mary heard my plea and suggested essential oils. Essential what? I was a complete noob. When I heard the full presentation, I was intrigued and wondered if and how the oils and supplements from YL might help my digestive issues as well as some breathing issues that my son was experiencing. I was skeptical, yet hopeful and willing to give it a try.
I am happy to announce that I have completely freed myself of digestive ailments, my son breathes free and clear without intervention and teething was eased with oils too! We were all sleeping again the very next night! I used a combination of oils, supplements and diet changes and it was a journey that I am so grateful for!
And now I share because I wish someone had shared with me when I was a child, before I suffered for 17 years with an irritable bowel. And like a good book, I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm excited about something!
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