Go Beyond Green

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Meet Robyn Farley

Hi friend, it's great to meet you!
My name is Robyn, my husband is Matthew and together we have 4 beautiful young children - 3 boys and 1 girl. I am passionate about scrapbooking, gardening, landscaping, raising children who love the Lord, home decor, homeschooling and homesteading - though I'm a total newbie there!

Before I was introduced to Young Living, I was a young mom, 2 kids ages 2.5 and 6 months old and just becoming aware of toxins in our environment. My rockstar sleepers were struggling because of the remedies I was told to use for teething and I was crying out for a solution.

Thankfully my friend Mary heard my plea and suggested essential oils. Essential what? I was a complete noob. When I heard the full presentation, I was intrigued and wondered if and how the oils and supplements from YL might help my digestive issues as well as some breathing issues that my son was experiencing. I was skeptical, yet hopeful and willing to give it a try.

I am happy to announce that I have completely freed myself of digestive ailments, my son breathes free and clear without intervention and teething was eased with oils too! We were all sleeping again the very next night! I used a combination of oils, supplements and diet changes and it was a journey that I am so grateful for!

And now I share because I wish someone had shared with me when I was a child, before I suffered for 17 years with an irritable bowel.  And like a good book, I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm excited about something!


Healthy Home

Live healthier with natural, safe alternatives!
What you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body.
Choose products free of harmful chemicals, sulfates, toxins, synthetic dyes,
artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives and experience the difference firsthand.

Support you and your family's health by replacing your everyday household items with natural, safe products that go beyond green to create a healthy home environment.

Why Us?

We are very diligent about our protection of earth and its citizens. We hold the highest standards for our essential oil production process, bringing the world the finest products available. From the seed of the plant to the seal on the bottle, our high standards are integral with who we are.

A Healthier Household

What's not in our products is just as important as what is.

Dish Soap

Plant-based dish soap that cleans your dishes without harmful chemicals or coloring.

Natural Toothpaste

Cleanse your teeth using a highly regarded blend of essential oils with natural ingredients, fluoride-free.


Sugar-free and with a combination of peppermint and other essential oils, these mints are sure to please.


Enjoy a delightful aroma while cleansing and balancing your hair naturally.


Bring that silky feeling to your hair with all natural conditioner.

Hand Sanitizer

Reach for this aromatic blend of essential oils and other natural ingredients when there's not a sink nearby.

Laundry Soap

For HE and regular washing machines, clean your clothes gently, effectively and naturally.

Fruit & Veggie Spray

Portable cleaner for washing fruits and vegetables. Spray, rinse, and notice the difference.

Hand & Body Lotion

Indulge in a vibrant lavender aroma while moisturizing and hydrating your skin.

Shave Oil

Glide effortlessly with incredible results using this proprietary blend of oils.

Natural Remedies Guide

Looking for a natural alternative? We are so excited to share Health Canada approved ways to use the following oils, approved as Natural Health Products (NHP)! In addition to the topical and aromatic benefits of these oils, they can relieve symptoms associated with common ailments, as well as restore, maintain, and support good health.
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Eczema and Dermatitis

Bergamot Cardamom Helichrysum Marjoram Myrrh

Farmessence NHP Collection

Enjoy natural relief from common ailments including cuts, bruises, burns, digestion, eczema, dermatitis, cough and cold, headaches, stress, and joint and muscle pain with this expansive collection of 15 natural health products (NHPs).

Includes 15 Health Canada-registered NHP oils and blends plus 10 bandages, custom carrying case, 1 oz hand sanitizer, and more.

See Farmessence NHP Collection

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See uses for more Natural Health Products approved by Health Canada!
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Your online health store

We are more than just the world's best essential oils. We go beyond green to help you create a healthy, healing home environment.

From effective, safe home cleaners to pet care, multivitamins to weight management, oral care to hair care, body care, and kids care, to nutritional support and more, we offer solutions to help you live naturally.

Ordering online is fast and easy and the product ships right to your door. We are your online store for living a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle.

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  • 24% off Retail Pricing
  • No Minimum Monthly Order Required
  • Easy Online Ordering, Shipped Right To Your Door
  • Earn up to an additional 25% towards future purchases with our rewards program

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Updates from Robyn Farley

My Top 5 Oils

My Top 5 Oils
I was recently asked what my top 5 oils are overall.
Tough question for sure!

But if I had to narrow it down, here they are!

  1. Digize - because start healing the gut and it helps everything else heal too!
  2. Dorado Azul - because coughs are a thing of our past and cause so much less issues for us thanks to this.
  3. Purification - because it cleans up odd smells, helps in laundry, so versatile.
  4. Kidscents Owie (Kidcare in Canada) - for all their owies!
  5. Valor - for courage of course!

Oh gosh that was difficult! I’d happily add 15 more to my top oils list!!

Let me know if you have any questions at all!

3 Tips I Personally Use to Get to Sleep Quickly

3 Tips I Personally Use to Get to Sleep Quickly
I used to struggle getting to sleep at night. Then I discovered a few key things. 
    A. Our bodies create cortisol to keep us alert and it begins at 10pm and goes up from there until it drops off again at 2am. So going to bed before or close to 10pm does wonders!
    B. When getting to bed later and still wanting to sleep, Frankincense Vitality and Grand Fir are both oils that help lower the cortisol levels. I would take a capsule of one or the other before bed. 
    C. Lately I began adding a few drops of Frankincense Vitality to the Thieves Mouthwash because it’s so good for my teeth, however I noticed an added bonus in that I fall asleep almost immediately after my head hits the pillow! 

So to summarize:
I get to bed early
I use Frankincense or Grand Fir in a capsule
And I add Frankincense to Mouth wash! 

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