3 Remedies I Use for Stomach Discomfort

3 Remedies I Use for Stomach Discomfort
Did you know I struggled with stomach aches and issues for 17 years before I found my answers?

Here are a few simple remedies I wish I had known and use now as needed!

1. Digize - I stick a roller top on this bottle and done! (For my kids, I add V6 carrier to it)
2. Tummygize roll-on is the easy button for kids!
3. Enzymes like Essentialzyme-4 are the perfect thing to take with every large meal (at least twice a day, sometimes more if I have any discomfort!)

If you’ve got questions, I’d love to help you navigate for answers! I’ve spent nearly 10 years on my own gut health journey so ask me!
And make it priority to read and look through this informative presentation on Digestive health! You will not regret it!